Frequently Asked Questions

My Swimmers

  • How are my PB’s generated on this page?

    As this is an overview, the PB's for each stroke are simply done by taking the fastest time currently registered against the swimmer. On this page it does not take into consideration SC or LC times, its simply your fastest time. 

    To analyse a breakdown of LC and SC times, goto the individual swimmers profile page. 

  • Can i add my swim club details?

    Yes. During swimmer creation there is a drop down fall all UK registered clubs. These clubs ae kept upto date with Swim England. We can only add official clubs to the selection at this time to ensure that our system does the anaysis correctly. Signing upto a club will also ensure that your coaches can get access to your analysis too if your club is registred with Trackaswim. 

  • Does the swimmer need to be Swim England registered?

    No. To be able to use the system fully, all you need is times. If yu are a casual swimmer who just wants to keep track of your swims then great! You are able to upload all of your swims quick;y and easily to Trackaswim. Our system will still analyse your times, you can still apply goals and you can still see your preferred strokes. 

    If you are Swim England registered - ensure you have entered your Unique Swim England id on signup and you can enjoy analysing all of your previous swim times. 

  • Can i delete a swimmer?

    Yes you can. From the 'My Swimmers' page, click on the 'Pencil' icon next to the swimmers name. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see a red button for delete. Click on this. You will then be prompted to confirm your deletion.

    Once the swimmer has been deleted it cannot be recovered. All of the images, videos, ratings and custom race times will be deleted also.

  • There are no time showing for my swimmer?

    This could be down to 2 main reasons. 

    • The Swim England code is incorrect on creation of your swimmer. Check this code to ensure that you have entered it correctly. If it is wrong then simply delete the swimmer and create again, ensuring the code is corrected. Once corrected it should import any times that have already been uploaded to our system. 
    • The swimmer has not yet raced any official Swim England licensed events. 

    Check these 2 main points first. If there is still an issue then please contact us

  • Can i add i picture of my swimmer?

    Ofcourse you can. Simply click on the image area and follow the instructions to upload your swimmer picture. 

  • How many swimmers can i have in my account?

    Our standard membership allows for the tracking of upto 3 swimmers at any time. This helps keep swimmers together under 1 profile for ease of access, especially if you are a family of swimmers. 

My Profile

  • I don’t understand the stroke analysis?

    The stroke analysis is designed to show you how your stroke choice is developing. Some people start off swimming all strokes and slowly progress into their favourite 1 or 2 strokes. This graph will help monitor this. For younger children it is always beneficial to swim all strokes on a regular basis. Monitoring this will ensure that they are maintaining a good split of strokes and not focussing on 1 particular stroke too early. 

  • I dont see any time goals?

    Time goals need to be created for each stroke. Once you have created golas they will appear on your profile page for you to review. 

  • Why are my race positions not populated?

    At the moment this is a manual process. Some of teh files that we receive from clubs to update times dont have the positional finishes for each and every race. If you want to track your positional finishes these can be updated manually from the 'My Meets' page. 

  • Can i see a breakdown of my times by SC and LC?

    Yes. On your main profile page you can switch between the tabs to view your times for each stroke by LC or SC. Clicking on the time will allow you to do a full analysis of your stroke times. 

My Meets

  • Can i add phots and videos of the race?

    Absolutely! We actively encourage this to happen. From here you can come back at anytime to review the race. If your club have also signed up to trackaswim then your coaches will also be able review the videos and either provide feedback or adapt training plans accordingly. 

  • What are the 5 stars and how do they work?

    We have a unique system that allows for each race to be analysed in detail. Against each race you are able to review each important aspect, Start, underwater, stroke, turns and finishes. You can make notes against each aspect aswell as give it a star rating. From here you can later analyse the race and put plans in place for training or create goals to help on your next race. 

    See our Documents section for more details about how to use this feature. 

  • I swam a race recently but it isnt showing?

    It can take clubs a few days, or even a couple of weeks to share meet results. As soon as they do we import the details and notify you of any new times that have been imported. If yu believe that it has bee nlonger than this and yuor results are not showing, please contact us and we can investigate and make contact with the club directly. 

  • How do i add a race thats missing?

    You can add a new race to a meet manually by clicking the 'Add New Race' button next to the meet details. 

  • If i add new races to a meet will it be used in the analysis?

    Yes. Any time that you enter will be used in the analysis for PB's, time performance and stroke analysis. 

  • Can i add a new meet?

    Yes you can. Click on the 'Add New Meet' button and follow the on screen instructions. You will need to ensure that you fill in the fields to for a race too so that the meet can be saved. From here you can add further races to each meet manually too. 

  • Am i able to edit the times of each meet?

    If the race details wee entered manually then you will be able to edit the details. For meets that have been imported from club uploads you will not be able to edit the meet details as these are classed as official times.

    For each race listed, you can update the positional finishes. This is a mnual process at present and is used for people who want to monitor their positional finishes too. 

My Goals

  • What if i have no PB when i set up a goal?

    This is absolutely fine, you can still setup a goal. Just be realistic if you havent swam a race yet. Dont set your goal too optimistic that you smash it on the first attempt. On the other hand dont set it too cautiosly that you end up being now here nea to what you were hoping. You are the best judge of yuor abilities. 

  • What are the steps on the gols?

    For every goal you go through in life, there will be steps that you nee dto take to achieve. We include an option to note down 5 steps against each goal that will help you in achieving whet you need. This may range from change in diet, mor hours at the gym or simply more focus and research on your given stroke. These are designed to be guides and mini steps towrads you final goal. You can tick them off when you have achieved each of them so yu know where your focus needs to be to smash your goals every time. 

  • What happens if my time start to slow after ive completed my goal?

    At anytime you can create new or amend your goals? Its natural that your times will go up and down thorugh your swimming journey. Just set yourself a new goal and start the journey to achieving it again. 

  • How do i know when ive completed a goal?

    When you have successfullly completed a goal, we will notify you. Afterall its a special time! Dont stop there tho. Create another goals and go even further!

  • What are the benefits of creating a goal?

    Eveything! Throughout life we create golas for ourselves so why not in swimming too? Having a target, something to strive for is vital if we want to improve. By creating a goal you will not only have something to work hard for in training, but come race day you will know exactly what you need to do to get the times you want? This maybe to qualify for counties or regionals? It may be to break a club record or it maybe that you just want to smash your PB! Either way, goals are a great way to focus on improvement. 

  • How do i create a goal?

    At the top of the 'My Goals' page there is a list of strokes and distances. Click on the 'Create a new goal' button and follom the prompts to create your goal. 

County Times

  • Why does my age show a year older than i actually am?

    For each county qualifier, you will be swimming a year up. Check with your coach or your county for clarification on their individual criteria. 

  • What happens if i need to contact the county?

    We include all contact details where possible for each club and each county. This should be used if you need to contact anyone for clarification. 

  • Why are the county times showing from the previous year?

    Alot of counties dont release their county times until a few weeks before qualifying ends. This doesnt allow much time for analysis so we use the previous years as a guide only. These wil give yuo an indication of where your times are and whether they are likely to give you a consideration time. Once we have the offical times from each county we upload them so tht yuo can see your actual qualifying races. 

  • What is this?

    For swimmers that are registered with Swim England, and swim for a registered club, you will have access to county races, depending on your times. This report analyses your best times achieved in the criera period for the next county races. It will highlight the times that could be considered for qualification aswell as giving yu an idea of how fara way your other times are. From here you can set up a goal to try and achieve further county times. 

My Account

  • What happens if i want more than 3 swimmers in my account?

    At this time every account is limited to 3 swimmers only. If more are needed then a new account will need to be created. 

  • Can i share my login details with my family?

    Yes ofcourse. You can login from any device and allow others to login too. Be aware that if they are using your login, they will have the same access to chage or delete anything as you would. 

  • How do i update my password?

    From the menbers area of Trackaswim, click on the icon in the top right. On the dropdown menu you will see an option for 'My account'. Click on this and from the new options displayed you will be able to change your password.