This feature is currently being developed. From the initial development, this section has grown massively, so much so that it has had to go back to be re-developed. After our initial testing, we were asked if this section could be used by schools and universities. Why not we thought, so it’s now back in the coding stage. But that only means that when we release it soon, it will be bigger, better, and more beneficial for everyone once we do!


Club Access

The ‘Track a Swim’ system was created purely for parents initially to keep track of their children’s swimming performances. This soon grew into more and created a ‘Club’ side to the analysis.  As a swim club, coaches can now also have access to their swimmers data, allowing them to also help analyse and improve swimmers performances.

Each club gets additional reporting of their swimmers. As a club, you will be able to see the rankings of your swimmers by stroke and distance. Having this gives the ability to know who are your strong swimmers and who are the ones that may need some extra coaching.

(Swimmers names have been removed from the images)

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