IM Mashup - 3200m Expert
Lets mash it up! We mix up the IM with some intense stroke work and focus on kicking and pull work throughout the session.
Required equipment for this session
Warm up
600m Mixed Stroke Warmup
200m Front Full Stroke @ 25 seconds rest
100m Front Kick only @ 25 seconds rest
100m Backstroke @ 25 seconds rest
200m Choice Stroke @ 25 seconds rest
Ensure you get the muscles nice and loose. Extend the warmup another 100m if needed.
Main Set
2400m - Mashed Up Stroke - Advanced Set
There is a full mixture of strokes in this workout. Adjust if the intensity becomes too much. Try not to extend the rest periods so that you keep the muscles working.
2 x 200m Pull @ 35 seconds rest
With Paddles
2 x 50m Butterfly @ 20 seconds rest
2 x 100m Freestyle Kick @ 20 seconds rest
2 x 100m IM @ 30 seconds rest
Ensure good stroke and turns – IM Order
2 x 200m Pull @ 35 seconds rest
With Paddles
2 x 50m Breaststroke
2 x 50m Backstroke @ 20 seconds rest
2 x 100m IM @ 30 seconds rest
Ensure good stroke and turns – IM Order
2 x 200m Pull @ 35 seconds rest
With Paddles
2 x 50m Breaststroke
1 x 100m Freestyle Kick @ 20 seconds rest
1 x 100m IM @ 30 seconds rest
Ensure good stroke and turns – IM Order
Cool Down
4 x 50m Front Crawl @ 30 seconds rest
Ensure good stroke and head control.